Grid System


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The Daplast team has designed the system to accommodate Avatar and Sittem seats. It is available in its Basic, Compact, Premium, and Suite versions, allowing different zones and comfort levels to be distinguished.
Dismountable benches made of rails fixed to supports simply resting on a flat floor mounted supports to maximises the seating capacity by making use of the track in any venue that hosts an event/show

The grid system allows for the rapid and versatile expansion of seating capacity over the court when not in full use, such as for concerts and shows.

Modular in 2 and 3-seater rails and in 1, 2 or 3 row supports, the seats can be distributed in a versatile way around the court according to the needs of the venue.

The rail on which the seats are mounted has a rectangular section of 60×40 mm. Therefore, this type of bench is suitable for the Avatar and Sittem families. For the storage and transport of the seats and track system, stackable trolleys with wheels are available. They have a base designed with two tubes so that they can be transported with trolleys.

Variable dimensions of rails and trolleys according to project requirements, for example, height of entrances, doors, etc.


The rails are delivered to the customer with the seats already assembled and loaded onto the corresponding trolley. In the same way, the supports arrive at the installation stored in their trolley.

The first step consists of taking the trolleys to the track area with all the material they store: rails with seats and the supports. Once the material is in the area where it will be installed, unloading of the trolleys can take place as needed.

The installation of the benches on the track begins with the distribution of the supports on the track. Depending on the modulation of the project, rows of supports will be placed. The rows must alternate in reverse order, therefore the row of supports placed just after the previous one must be distributed with the same type and quantity of supports but in the opposite direction. In this way, once the rails are installed, a solid assembly will be formed. It is important to maintain the alignment of the supports so that the rails fit properly.

Once the rails are installed on the supports, they are fastened with screws. As the seats are already installed on their rails, they will have the distance between axes agreed for each project.

When the event for which the track seats are intended is over, the seats are dismantled following the same steps as for their installation but in reverse order. In other words, the rails are unscrewed to mount them on their trolleys, and then the supports are also stored on the corresponding trolleys.


The seat numbering for the Avatar seating line is located on the edge of the seat, allowing for clear visibility whether the seat is open or closed. Available numbering options:

  • Aluminum numbering: Dimensions of 40×20 mm or 60×20 mm (depending on the model) with a black background. Attached with two rivets to prevent removal.
  • Anti-vandal vinyl numbering: Good sun/weather resistance.
  • Magnetic numbering: Consists of a steel plate of the same dimensions as those described above, which is attached to a riveted box at the base of the seat equipped with a magnet. This is the most versatile option, allowing for quick numbering of seats once they have been distributed and based on the ticketing applied for each event.
  • Row numbering: Dimensions of 55×58 mm with a black aluminum background with 2.4×10 mm tubular rivets. Attached with two rivets, making it difficult to remove. Located in a box at the end of the rail at the end of each row, allowing for clear visibility. Also available in a magnetic version.
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